Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Day 37: Relics galore!

Today started with a tour of the 'Scavi', which are the excavations below St Peter's Basilica. I did this tour in 2005, but didn't really take it in, so I felt I needed to do it again.

The site of the present day Vatican was a hill which was one of the burial grounds outside the city walls. It was here that Peter was crucified and buried in a nearby tomb. In the 4th century, Emperor Constantine leveled out the hill by filling in the burial grounds and building a basilica on this site with the altar over Peter's tomb. This basilica was replaced with the present day one in the 1500s, which was built above that original one. Therefore we have 3 layers (burial grounds, 1st basilica, 2nd basilica). Whilst they always knew his grave was down there somewhere, but the burial ground was only discovered in the 1940s, when some maintenance work uncovered this ancient city of the dead still in excellent condition.
It was very humbling to be standing in front of Peter's tomb, which was been left mostly in tact, complete with 19 pieces of bone!
We weren't allowed to take photos so I've uploaded some from the internet.
I then paid a visit to St Peter's to view JPII's new resting place, as he'd been moved upstairs since his beatification and my last visit 7 years ago.

I then went to Basilica di Santa Croce in Gerusalemme (Basilica of the Holy Cross in Jerusalem) which is said to contain relics from the true cross, nails used in the crucifixion, thorns from the crown of thorns and the plaque at the top of the cross. Whilst interesting, I didn't quite buy this one!

Next stop was Basilica of Saint Mary Major (Basilica Santa Maria Maggiore), which has many beautiful mosaics and a relic of the true crib (again, I think doubtful)!

San Pietro in Vincoli (Saint Peter in Chains) has the supposed chains Peter wore whilst imprisoned in Rome. This church also houses the impressive sculpture of Moses by Michelangelo. I didn't real use the importance of this and why everyone was gathered around it, until I read about it in the gift shop, so then I had to go back for a look!

I then went to Mass at Domus Australia as they had Mass in English, and it is the Australian guest house in Rome. I'll reserve my observations on this type of Mass for another time. However, I did like the kangaroos at the base of the lecturn!

I then went home via the Trevi fountain to people watch the hundreds there.

In all a trying day for the feet!

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