Thursday, October 4, 2012

Day 32: Roma

Today I awoke early to get myself to the Vatican for the Wednesday General audience with the Pope. I caught the metro there by 8.30am and waited in a huge line, which moved quite quickly. Once through the security check I had to go to the Bronze Door to collect my pre-arranged free ticket. Luckily I was also able to collect my tickets for the Papal Mass on Sunday. This will save having to make an additional trip there on Saturday.

With ticket in hand I made my way to the front section, which is one of the advantages of being early. As the morning progressed people were being turned away from the front sections despite have what appeared to be VIP tickets.

The dilemma was where to sit. I decided to sit at the back of the front section against the barrier, even though everyone was scrambling for the front rows. This proved to be a wise choice as the barrier provided a bit of shade, but I was also on the route for His Holiness to pass by in the Popemonile. Not only did he go past me once, but twice! At 10.30am out he came! I was quite amazed at how old he looks in person. TV and pictures don't seem to make him look old, but he had a number of wrinkles! He also loved very slowly and cautiously. I suppose it isn't easy to be in you mid 80s and having to stand in a moving vehicle.

There was a reading in various languages, along with a homily in Italian. Then there were words of welcome in various languages for the pilgrims and groups who spoke that language. Different groups responded in different ways with standing, waving, chanting or singing. It got to 12.00 and was getting very hot, so I left a bit early and headed back to the hotel to check on my luggage situation.

Didn't notice this though!

After many attempts and phone calls - no progress. Luggage Status: unknown.

I then grabbed a bite to eat and caught a bus into the city centre. I went to the vestment shop to see if the stole Richard wanted was in, but no luck. I then walked around to the Pathenon to have a look. An amazing building. I then wandered over to Piazza Navona to have a coffee and look at the fountain of four rivers.

After this I went back I the hotel and continued on the luggage situation. Eventually I tried the El Al office in Rome directly and a man gave me a direct live to their counter at the airport. After seeking assistance from the Hotel Manager, he found out that the luggage would be on a flight on Thu. This didn't help me as I am leaving Rome for a couple of days Thu morning. We arranged that the case would be delivered at that hotel and they'll hold for me until I return on Sat afternoon.

This meant I had no clean clothes for the next few days, so I walked down the street and found a menswear store to get some new socks, t-shirts, pants and you guessed it - undies! €100 I wasn't planning on spending, but will be putting in a claim with El Al - so why not!

I then found a little place to get a bite to eat for tea. A plate of spaghetti and beer for only €7.50 = bargain! Only disappointment was that my lovely wife wasn't here to enjoy it with me!

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