Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Day 31: Packing and departure

Today I woke early to get packed and organized before our shuttle bus arrived at 11am. Upon commencing this tiresome process, I quickly realized that I had WAY more than I came with and didn't have a hope of getting it all in the case. So I ducked out to pick up a cheap bag for my fragile goods to take as carry-on. This is a common occurrence with our overseas trips that we bring back an extra carry on bag full of souvenirs. You can imagine the cupboard full of such bags at home! And I can't even blame Nook this time!

I finished packing with bulging case and extra bag, and realized this ain't going to work around Italy for a week. So I made a quick dash to the post office to post a box of books and my lecture notes home. This is going to take 6-8 weeks, so hoping I won't need them in a hurry! This made the case much lighter and not is bulky - which will make traveling life much easier.

A few final farewells and we got on out shuttle for the 1 hour drive to the airport. Luckily I'd checked in online which saved waiting in long queues. As I was traveling onto Rome while most of the others were heading home, I had to go to a separate section. I was asked a number of questions by security (which is normal), then she went off and another security person came and asked us the same questions and more. Whilst this can be a little unsettling, they are doing their job of keeping us and all other travelers safe.

Approx 1.5 hours later, the rest of our group traveling home to Aus made it through and we had a bite to eat. We then said our farewells and went our separate ways.

A pretty non-eventful flight to Rome, until I got to the baggage claim and found I was the only one left with no more bags coming out. I went to the counter to learn that my bag hadn't left Tel Aviv. She mentioned something about security. How can this be after all you go through at the airport? By this time is was 9pm and no more flights until the next day.
Thinking twice about flying El Al airlines again!

I then caught the airport train into the city to then find the Metro was closed due to a strike. A taxi ride later and I arrived at the hotel which is very nice. After a shower, it was fantastic to get into a clean and comfortable bed.

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