Sunday, September 16, 2012

Day 15: Half way

Today marks halfway through our time here in Jerusalem - and our first day off!

After breakfast we celebrated Eucharist at 10am in the Ecce Homo Basillica with a group of 25 Tassie pilgrims from the Bellerive Parish who are passing through.

After Mass a couple of us wandered up to the Jewish quarter for real coffee and chocolate scrolls.

We then had an extended walk home due to a number of streets being closed. This along with a higher number of police present (with semi-automatics) had us a little bit worried that trouble might be brewing. A quick bite to eat at a local restaurant with the other Tassie pilgrims and we were pleased to be in the confines of Ecce Homo.

An afternoon siesta then the Bellerive group returned for a cuppa and chat then dinner.

In all a relaxed day with much needed down time.

Tomorrow is an early start for our 4 day trip to Galilee.

1 comment:

  1. Floating in the Dead Sea looks like awesome fun! Glad you got to catch up with the Bellerive group - that was good. Hope Fr Peter's doing well! Have the absolute best time in Galilee!
